
author: leviaphile language: English fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC)

It is only about him and her. They need them far more than forever.

Someone couldn't have slept tonight. Her white hair looked messy all over the face because she just rolled to the right and left. Her colorful eyes blinked while staring at the ceiling. She was hugging a doll of Scarlet Zero—an otome game character— while remembering her past.

Closing her eyes, Arciel remembered. Her little family was happy before all disaster came. Her parents were full of warmth. She is glad to have parents like them. She always feels grateful for the happiness, the mother's kindness, and her father's wisdom.

Leviathan knocked on the door and called her. “Arci, wanna go out?”

His voice sounded nervous. It was late at night, (normally) too late to hang out. Arciel rushed to open the door. “Sure, Levi.”

They snuck out after visiting Henry 1.0. The snake was calmer than previous visit. While walking, they occasionally hum Zaramela's newest song. They also discussed Ruri-chan, Tales of Seven Lords, and similar topics.

Memories passed by, one by one, then got wilder like the rain. As long as they are together, simple things would mean a lot. This road ..., that building ..., food's smells there ..., felt familiar. They stopped walking, looked at the crowded town and Devildom's sky that never knows morning. Still, there were residents outside, but everyone was busy with their own business.

“Do you remember when I confess to you before leaving to the human world?” Arciel smiled, starting a nostalgia.

“And that time I ... I proposed to you. You didn't answer me.” Leviathan's face turned red.

“Sorry, I was too sad and thought you just got carried away—uhm, you know ... sort of melancholy in the atmosphere? You friendzoned me.”

For Arciel, those times were fun to laugh at. Leviathan turned to her, slightly lowered his head. “I ... apologize, Arci. When you're back to the human world, I am determined to be more honest. That was why I asked you to be my girlfriend when you came back.”

Arciel doesn't know this and Leviathan will keep as a secret between him and Henry 2.0. Leviathan had nightmares often when Arciel was gone. He was afraid Arciel forget him. It's like the classic plot in shoujo anime; “Confess is an easy first step to forget.”

“I'll say that. I'll prove that. Just, please, come back to me.” Avatar of Envy whispered as he woke up from one of his nightmares. His goldfish, Henry 2.0 talked to him from the aquarium. Leviathan gave the same answer in human language. He always repeated this each time Henry 2.0 asked was he okay, “Henry, my Arciel is leaving.”

It's all about time, a privilege for the live creature. They two never hate each other, but they needed time since they were not friends until they confessed their feelings. They didn't know exactly when they started to grow feelings. Denial and “I-don't-wanna-lose-my-bestfriend” phase have been so long.

They through a lot of things. Like the relationship that evolved to be stronger, more memories were created in Devildom ... and they're willing to create many more memories.

Their feet —and magic— carried them to the shore. The wind blows gently. They could hear the peaceful melody from friendly waves. Up there, the sky was painted with stars and a moon.

For Leviathan, the sea is like home even though he rarely goes there. He turned into his real form; a sea serpent demon. “I invite you to an underwater date, Arciel.” Leviathan smiled brightly.

“Hold up, uhm ... before that, may I take you to fly?”

“But, Arc, you're small.” Arciel height even doesn't reach his shoulder.

“Don't worry. I'm learning sorcery. And I'm still an elemental.” Arciel turned to her spirit form. The starry sky looks more magical through her semi-transparent wings. Leviathan was mesmerized by her beauty. Leviathan always thinks Arciel is the most ethereal creature in all three worlds.

“O-okay, I'm counting on you.”

Arciel was hugging him tight to take him fly. Leviathan flustered but tried to stay calm. When they were in height, their vision became wider. It was quiet there, yet beautiful. Arciel always wants to show this to Leviathan.

“Levi, sorry. You're too heavy.” Arciel was embarrassed when said it, but she thought she can't hold this weight any longer.

“Sorry, Arci.” Leviathan stabilized himself with magic, and reduce his weight to make it easier for Arciel.

“Hey, Arciel. Listen to me. I'll try my best to make you become the happiest person in all universes.”

Arciel didn't answer. Perhaps, she was too busy making sure they could land safely so she heard nothing. Then, they stood on the sea surface. Leviathan waited for Arciel to gather her energy.

They entwined their hands. Leviathan led her diving. Her adrenaline pumped up when the waves hit her wings. She tried to flap her wings underwater. Leviathan gave Arciel special seaweed so she could breathe and talk normally underwater. They were diving deep and deeper until they could see strange sea creatures.

“Leviathan, I'll stay with you although the world—even God put you down.” Arciel tightens her hold. She heard it, but was confused what to say. Finally, she found a sentence to answer. Leviathan held her hand tighter in response.

Leviathan took her to meet Lotan. He summoned Lotan when they were deep under the sea. “I'm Leviathan, The Avatar of Envy. In the name of jealousy, come forth, Lotan.”

Lotan appeared brought big waves. Leviathan was hugging Arciel to protect her. “What can I help you, Grand Admiral?”

Seven heads of Lotan were staring at Leviathan and Arciel, their voice sounded enthusiastic. “Hello, Miss. Is there something I can help with?”

“Hello, Lotan.” Arciel greeted Lotan.

“We just stopped by, Lotan. It's been a long time since we talked much. I also want us three to hang out.”

Little did Arciel know, Lotan can destroy the world, but Arciel just knew Lotan is this friendly and respects Leviathan a lot. Lotan told Arciel some old stories about Leviathan. This time, she fell for him more. She wants to learn everything about Leviathan.

That night, they were sharing part of their world.

Asmodeus grumbled that Arciel didn't have enough sleep. Arciel didn't tell him she and Leviathan hung out last night. The Avatar of Lust kept on blabbering about Arciel must be the best her today. He even asked Satan to get the cream in his room.

“Oh, Dear, your gorgeous eyes look tired. Use this cream,” asked Asmodeus.

“Thank you, Asmo.” Arciel put the cream on her eyebags. It worked.

Asmodeus went out after putting on special makeup—that won't be ruined easily because Arciel needed to do other preparations. However, Arciel had specifically asked her best friends to help her dressing and styling her hair.

Arciel looked at her reflection in the mirror. Arciel in the mirror looked alive and happy. She pressed her left hand to her chest, then rubbed the scar on her wrist. The wound that said Arciel had to realize who she really is—and (seemed to be) punishing her to continue living in immortality. Arciel suddenly didn't want to put on her white gloves.

“Ready for a new step in life, Arci?” Kayy talked to her, right after saw Arciel almost cry.

“Please grab your bouquet.” Mine hand her a flower bouquet. Baby's breath and nine orange roses. Arciel nodded. She couldn't say anything yet, she was about to cry in happiness.

Don't cry now, Arci. Arciel warned herself.

She wears white high heels, walked carefully. Her two best friends accompany her. They're always staying with her since Arciel first came to Devildom, through the tough times. From DDD notifications, her other friends attend this ceremony too. In Devildom, Arciel has met many new people, had more friends. She treasures them all.

Meanwhile, Leviathan accidentally ruined his hairdo because he was too panicked, Asmodeus must be pissed off. Satan has said that everything is ready in DDD. This is only once in his lifetime, so he doesn't want to mess up anything.

“Levi, are you ready?” Lucifer opened the door. “Be confident,” he added.

“Hicc I'm not crying huhuhu.” Mammon wiped his tears.

Belphegor tapped Leviathan on the shoulder as he passed the door. Beelzebub and Satan gave thumbs up because their location was quite far away. Asmodeus squinted briefly at Leviathan's changing hairdo, but ended up smiling then winking.

His brothers are always with him, even though they didn't always get along. They live together. They fell together. Whether they will be married or not, Leviathan wants them to find their own happiness. He wants them all to be happier in the future.

Leviathan heard an angelic voice from afar. “Congratulations, Big Brother.”

Lilith, I'll take care of her for you too, answered Leviathan.

Soft scents from the flower bouquet, snake ring on their finger, and new special pact they automatically formed. Then, wedding vows were spoken out in front of their precious people. There are demon brothers, Arciel's spirit family, their RAD friends (including The Royal, Purgatory Hall member, and other exchange students), and some acquittances. There are Noir too, Arciel's first friend in the human world. Due to something, he made a pact with Astaroth and converted into half demon. They all attended as witnesses in this special moment.

Both Leviathan and Arciel are filled with happiness. Miraculous feelings take them high, give them strength and courage. How strange, a feeling changed their life this much. And, this is only the first step to living the fullest life.

This feeling has a name, and I'll say it to you ... only to you. My feeling is only for you.

They were gazing lovingly at each other, then they're closing their eyes. His forehead pressed against her head.

“Arciel/Leviathan.” Like a synchronization, they called at the same time. They're opening their eyes. Their vision is a bit blurry in tears, but they still see the clearest.

“I love you.”

An eternal love.

Shout out all this love to the limit of our voice Our hands are holding tight, no matter where we are I want to hold you tight, put faith in your everything It's an eternal vow, My Love. (Obey Me! Boys – Eternal, translation by @/Maon_ObeyMe)
