
Everyone should know how to cook. I'm always surprised when people ask me why I learned to cook. The answer is very simple. Since I was a little kid I've been a big fan of not starving to death. Also I liked making pancakes because cooking was the only way I could eat them. The only way to learn to cook is by cooking, you may read a lot of recipes and watch lots of cooking shows, but until you face the reality that a pie you baked is burned from one side and raw from the other. Or that the texture you see in the video is nothing similar to what you have. That's when you realize the truth. You will need to learn to make adjustments on the fly and check constantly if everything is going as it should or it needs some adjustment. When I first moved out, was when I began truly learning how to cook. And even tough I just knew how to make boiled vegetables, oatmeal and eggs. That's what I ate almost all my meals during the first year. I started learning how to cook food I like. When I first learned how to cook pasta it felt such a great achievement, that even a couple weeks later I invited some friends over to have pasta and play games. As if the pasta would be such a feast. I thought it would be great, but cooked too little and we ended ordering pizza. Some friends laughed and made jokes about that. Fast forward to a couple years later. I took a big bowl of pasta to a party. It was so good that it was the first dish to go. During the COVID lockdown I've come to appreciate more and more that I learned how to cook. When I saw long waiting lines at the butchery I learned how to cook other cuts as hearth, and liver since the place to buy them was still empty. There are several benefits to cooking: – You know exactly what went into your food. This is really important if you or someone in your family has dietary restrictions. I've learned to cook cakes for diabetics and for people allergic to milk. – It's usually cheaper and healthier. It can be as expensive as you want it to. But in reality good and cheap ingredients are not that rare to be found. – You can have your favorite dish whenever you want. I know how to make pizzas because I love pizza, my wife know how to make pies because she likes pies. When learning how to cook your favorite dish you may find combinations that you never thought possible. Probably something that's not even commercially sold. – It brings joy. This may be just me, but when I see that someone really enjoyed the food I cooked it warms my hearth. My recommendation to everyone looking where to start is just jump in. Look for some recipes online or if you want a book I suggest “How to cook everything” and start looking at simple foods that you like eating. At first you will make many mistakes, and even then many times you will end with something that tastes better than bought. Or at least it will be something edible most of the time. Rarely I made something that was so bad that I would throw it in the thrash. Again, you will make tons of mistakes, and that's fine. As time goes on you will start to see better and better results. #100DaysToOffload