How do I change my business location?

Do you want a map with its location, phone number, opening hours, a link to the site and customer reviews of your work to appear at the top when searching for your business, goods and services on Google? Everything is really simple here: you need to add information about your company to the free Google My Business service. We will tell you how to do this further.

How do I create a custom location on Google Maps?

First, you must register with Google My Business.

Click on “Add”, create an account in the system or log into your existing Google account.

Indicate the name of the company, territory, select the category of activity as accurately as possible.

Indicate a contact phone number (in this case, you can advertise yourself even if you do not have your own website).

Verify your Google My Business account information.

7 days or half a month after submitting the application, a Google form will be sent to the email, which must be confirmed. In some cases, you can confirm the information on Google Search Console or by phone. The system itself chooses the method of confirmation depending on the type of business. If after a month you still haven't received a confirmation email, you can contact Google support.

Do not forget to include as much up-to-date information as possible on the Information page. Indicate the categories in which you work, the description of the company, the opening hours and the method of payment. Don't forget to post as many photos and videos as possible.

If you want to start a business in Arizona, don’t forget to obtain an Arizona business license ( ).

Searching on Google Maps is one of the most effective ways to promote local SEO. You can also register your company in the business listings. Your company will appear on Google Maps after registering with Google My Business.

Most of the small firms and private entrepreneurs that work in their city do not have the opportunity to invest in the creation of sites, content and launch expensive advertising campaigns. Many small cafes and shops also do not want to spend money on their website, but it is difficult for them to compete with other companies. So, Google Maps and My Business are a unique way to tell the local audience about yourself without spending a penny.

Very often people search for the “nearest place to me” using their smartphones. If your bar or beauty salon is registered on Google My Business, the user will quickly find it on the maps. Therefore, if a person sees your bar or beauty salon on the map nearby, then there is a high probability that she will not look further.

How do I change my business location on Google Maps?

Use the free Google My Business app to update your registered online business address on Google Maps.

On Google Maps, changes to a business address are only possible if the company is linked to your account.

All changes to your business address made through Google My Business are reviewed by Google, so it can take several days for your address to be updated and re-published.

The Google My Business app for iOS and Android can also be used to update your online business address on Google Maps.

How to use a computer to update your business address on Google Maps

Log in to Google My Business profile Click “Info” from the menu on the left side of the screen Click the pencil icon in the address field Make any changes to your business address Select “Apply” from the drop-down menu If Google is unable to find your address, a “Set marker location” button will appear to the right of the address field, above the map. Simply click the button Drag the red pin to the center of your business location, then press “Apply.”

Update your business address on Google Maps using the Google My Business mobile app

  1. Go to the Google My Business app and open it
  2. Tap “Profile” at the bottom of the screen to go to your account page
  3. To begin editing, tap the address field and select the pencil icon
  4. Make sure your business address appears correctly on Google Maps
  5. Press the Save button.

That’s all!