[ Ode To A Broken System ]

Check your calendar, what day is not a commercialized participation of consumerism in the masquerade of seasons ?

I am bitter because my stepmother abused me.

I am angry because my father disappeared while he is still around.

I am detached because my mother is living while she is dying everyday. Most of the people she helped financially, when she was stronger, have discarded her like yesterday's newspaper.

Cancer has become a business while the system radiates the family unit.

Real actors aren't getting paid but give them a like, cause they “earned it”.

The formality of concern – burn it, sincerity from strangers is more familiar than the farce of forced transactional relationships.

Every day there is an animal holocaust, yet no one gives a fuck. Who is going to be charged at the Ani – Nuremberg trials this time ?

Wars funded by greed, masses programmed by the impotent and Nature is being exiled by the polarized.

Love has been relegated into an advertisement for consumerism for a population with the attention span of a broken clock.

Schizophrenic society, intoxication is sobriety, manufactured anxiety, sedate your consciousness with all forms of brain numbing variety.

Welcome to the 21st century.