Something is wrong with the current state of this planet.

Have you ever felt in your bones that something is seriously wrong with the way the whole system is running ?

People are moving day to day yet they are going nowhere, like mice maneuvering through a maze only to end up in a stationary wheel.

A scientist in the past did an experiment in where, whenever he fed his animals food, he would ring a bell. After a while of continuously doing this, he realized that whenever he rang the bell, the animals would salivate.

That is how most people behave with money.

What I am saying is that it seems, most of our basic tools have been weaponized against us.

Has your mind or body been weaponized through some form of programming, conditioning or inception of thought that has been used to prevent you from reaching your highest potential or possibility ?

That is something to contemplate about.

There is so much pollution in Nature, hundreds of animal species have gone extinct because of the capitalization of capitalism, and we have the audacity to call all this progress.

They say justice is blind and Lady Justice is often depicted wearing a blindfold as a symbol of her impartiality and objectivity. In this era, that blindfold is made from paper / plastic with numbers etched on it.

Something is seriously wrong with this planet.

Nothing is what it seems.