Three Exercises to Overcome Spinal Pain

If you have back pain, you feel lazy to move. In fact, sometimes going to bed feels uncomfortable, although it is the only activity that can help reduce back pain. In fact, this spinal pain problem often affects adolescents, young adults and the elderly.

The causes are diverse, such as lifting heavy weights on the back, the presence of abnormalities in the spine and an unhealthy lifestyle.

However, disruptive spinal pain does not necessarily make you lazy to exercise. The reason is that exercise helps relieve back pain while strengthening muscles and the spine. The best exercise, of course, with routine stretching, so that the muscles remain flexible and not rigid.

Good exercise to overcome spinal pain

Some people with spinal pain report discomfort and the pain they sometimes feel disrupts the activity. If so, you just need to see a doctor. To make it easier, use your cell phone to make an appointment directly with the nearest hospital doctor. Therefore, you no longer have to stand in line and wait long. So what are some sports like swimming, Longboarding,yoga and Pilates that can help relieve disruptive spinal pain?


In addition to the stretching routine, you can try the swimming routine. You may not feel as exhausting as running a marathon, but you should know that the energy used to move in the water is much greater than the energy used to run. Swimming is a good exercise option to lose weight.

Not only that, swimming also helps the blood to flow throughout the body, even to the back, which makes it suitable for those who have spinal pain and want to recover and increase their strength. Also, when swimming, your back does not need to work hard to support the body, because water will replace your work.


Not only does yoga help you relax more and concentrate on this meditation exercise, but it is also good for your spine's health. The movements in this exercise combine strength and flexibility, so you can use it to treat pain in the spine. Their movements are slow, so it is not necessary to fear injuries due to muscle shock.

Even so, the benefits of yoga to overcome spinal pain cannot be felt if it is not known how and to what extent. Therefore, just tell your yoga coach your problem, so he can help you achieve the yoga goals you are looking for. The coach will provide movements that support your spine recovery.


Finally Pilates, sports that prioritize flexibility, strength and muscle flexibility. Routine Pilates training helps increase muscle endurance, which helps reduce back pain. In addition, this exercise also helps increase your awareness of your own body. Through the Pilates, you will pay more attention to your posture when standing, sitting, turning, getting up and other movements that are often overlooked. This is to prevent you from having an incorrect posture that triggers spinal pain.