Let Life Be

“And then they will ask me, 'What's the fun of seeing sunset or to stroll along the beaches? Once, it might be fun. Second, third, a sunset is just a sunset, a beach is just a beach.'”

“Lol. And? What did you say?”

“I didn't say anything. I don't think any of my explanation will be understood. Besides, no words could really explain the feelings, and maybe they don't really need to understand now. Not their time yet.”

“Either you feel it or not?”

“Sort of. Each one of us has our very own reason to see the sunset or to stroll along the beach. To me, it is about the freedom. About being honestly myself, appreciating my life, and about realizing how simple life actually is. It is about reconnecting to myself. To others, it might be about remembering memories, or making memories, or about solitude, or even about God. Nothing is better or worse. Life is different to each one of us.”

“:) I like it.”

