Diana, Unlimited

Someone who just recently underwent a sudden and unexpected hyper growth spurt goes shopping for new clothes and furniture, initially unaware that they’re experiencing smaller, almost imperceptible “aftershock” growth spurts the whole time.

Part 1: Introduction

“What a pain in the ass,” Diana thought, looking at the couch, now flattened by her titanic glutes. As if only to annoy her more, the seam keeping her plain green tee shirt around her split, letting free her dense bulging shoulders and traps. The shirt clung to her body, somehow designed not to be stressed by her fifty-gallon breasts and barrel-like pecs, but her bulging arms had long since split the sleeves, and now the top was unraveling. It was the one remaining piece of clothing that fit, and now it was debris. So much of her apartment was now scrap, and this was the final straw.

MAY!” the titanic panda shouted to the other room. A smaller, lighter voice shouted back. “WHAT?” “WE'RE GOING SHOPPING.“ “DOES IT HAVE TO BE NOW?” “YES, NOW.“ A short, fit squirrel walked out to greet the immense panda. “Why now?” “If we don't go now, I won't be able to go at all. This shirt is on life support”, the panda pointed to the duct taped corners being strained by her ear-height trapezius muscles. “So if we don't go now, I won't have anything left to go in.” “I wouldn't mind that”, the squirrel retorted in a sultry voice. The squirrel rubbed up against an enormous quad, the width of which she failed to wrap her arms around.

It had been 5 weeks since the panda’s body had started the change from “athletic” to “tank-esque”. She had agreed to the procedure, but not as easily as her partner would have liked.

Diana and May met at the gym, of all places. Diana, a personal trainer by trade, spent most of her waking hours there. If she wasn’t training someone, then she herself was training. It did not, however, take a professional sports trainer to spot May on her first day. In a robin’s egg-blue tank top and dark leggings, the squirrel stood out for more than just her confused demeanor, but mostly her diminutive stature and her lithe, undeveloped build. Hoping to win the obvious novice as a fresh client, Diana had approached her and offered her some help getting accustomed to the gym and its equipment. The help was enthusiastically accepted, and the new client was hers. It was only a year before May was lifting at par with the men of her weight class, a feat Diana had long surpassed. May’s new-found strength was not only a testament not only to her determination and persistence, but also to her trainer’s skill and expertise. May’s relationship with Diana had bloomed from clingy customer, to doting friend, to passionate partner a short while after Diana started competing. May’s attraction wasn’t only from gratitude, but as much from lust. Though she wouldn’t admit it, May’s first thoughts upon meeting Diana were, in order, “Oh my god, she’s HUGE,” and “Can I get her number?” May had always been attracted to muscle, and that led her mostly to men. Still, something about seeing Diana easily outstripping the largest males in her gym threw her for a loop. All that strength on top of her feminine beauty was too much for the squirrel, and after a particularly intense session, she approached Diana about some… extracurricular activity. Diana, always the adventurous type, accepted. She felt a certain thrill being with May: towering over her, being able to toss her around and hold her in any position the squirrel could occupy... Needless to say their first night was an exciting one. While May was exultant with her success, a lingering thought haunted her: “What if Diana could be bigger?” The thought lurked behind her every interaction with the panda, and infected the squirrel’s own… “interactions” with herself in Diana’s absence. For Diana, her physique was a matter of personal pride, but also one of her greatest professional assets. Who would enlist the services of an obese or skeletal personal trainer? She had to look the part as much as know the material. There was no doubting that she was genetically blessed in the athletics department, but not so much so that it would unduly deter clients. For her first years in the business, she had tailored her routine to dissuade muscular growth in favor of strength gains for fear that her female clients would fear ending up like her. Her fears were not well justified, as even after she changed to a more comprehensive routine, clients kept signing up for more. That was half a decade ago. Now, instead of the fit cardio-bunny-panda look she had designed, she bore the bulk of a seasoned lifter and serious bodybuilder. All for good reason, of course. Half of that reason was May, and the other half was because of May. Despite her obvious physical achievement, Diana was not boastful. She held a certain confidence, but never arrogance or vanity. After much coaching from May, this flaw was remedied, and she joined her first bodybuilding competition. She had participated in competitive weightlifting since she completed her personal training certification, but she had never thought of going up on stage and showing her own body off. In truth, she was a bit shy about her size outside of the gym. The scene was the the weight room, half an hour before opening. Diana, having just completed her morning exercise, was looking herself over, flexing and posing to check her progress. She did feel a sense of accomplishment when she looked at herself, but she had dealt with plenty of self-centered bodybuilder-types, and she resented the possibility of becoming just that. Having silently exited the locker room such as to surprise Diana, May stood, mouth agape at the dense, heaving muscles her partner commanded. May didn’t move until the show was over, when Diana noticed of her partner staring. The panda bundled up in her custom “TRAINER” sweatshirt as quickly as she could, embarrassed to have been found in her indulgence. From then until she signed the competition agreement, May pestered her to no end about doing that for her – first just in private, but the in front of everyone else. But at no point would Diana cheat. No steroids, no injections, nothing. All the things she did expressly forbade it. The strength competitions, the physique competitions, even her employer had her tested on more than one occasion. If she did and ousted, she’d lose everything... And so went the first two years of their relationship. In the third, something changed. For May, the novelty of having a bulked-up partner had come and gone. She was still incurably attracted to Diana, but still she lusted for more beef in her diet. That in and of itself was no news to Diana. The news came by way of fliers posted on the gym’s bulletin board. A plain black page with “Unlimited” in a large, block font. Under it sat the phrase “No limits physique & strength competition,” a link to register, and the dates of the competition. No mention was made to where it was being held, or what exactly “No limits” meant. At the end of Diana’s day, May came darting toward her desk with the poster in tow. Breathlessly she asked if the panda had seen it. “Of course I’ve seen that, pipsqueak. The thing’s huge, it covered half the board. What’s so exciting about it?” “It’s no limits!” “What’s that even mean? Someone betting on this thing?” “No, it means there’s no testing!” “What? No testing?” “Nothing’s off the table! You could be pinning up backstage for all they care! HUGE prize pool too!” While it was entertaining to hear such a small girl talking steroids as if she dealt with them on a daily basis, Diana looked May straight in the eye. “No. You know I’m not about that stuff. They’re all cheap tricks that end up killing you.” May’s ears and tail drooped. For the rest of the day, she was despondent. Days drew in to weeks. May stopped joining Diana at the gym, and both suffered for it. Diana’s motivation tanked not having her own little cheerleader with a something extra after she closed up for the night, and May put on a bit of unsightly chub. On a cold night, Diana woke from a nightmare. In it, the panda was posing for May on a stage. As she looked around, she noticed she was not alone; there were others on the stage. Men and women, all with the distinctive trait of being much larger than her. Every striation and vein was on clear display as they flexed. The women sported large, round breasts that Diana had long since lost the fat for, and the men displayed packages more suited for games of baseball than reproduction.

And May was all over them. Every single model had their own May, groping everything she could. Every single model being felt up by her partner, except her. Diana tried so hard to get the Mays’ attention, but they would not relent, so lusty and obsessed. Even her subconscious knew she was losing May.

The next day, she came back from work to see May lounging on the couch, a bag of popcorn half-eaten and discarded, the TV playing an advertisement for soup. Diana tossed a small plastic bag on top of her lover, who awoke with a start. “Whah...huh?” the squirrel felt around between her and the sofa. Retrieving the bag, she held it up to the light to reveal a few dozen blue-grey pellets. “There are better ways to tell me I have bad breath than to throw breath mints at me, big girl,” she sighed. “Those would be some damned expensive mints.” “How much?” “You’re holding about $500 off my last paycheck.” “Oh, so instead of telling me my breath stinks, you’re going partying without me?” “Try again.” “I… give up. Are you having trouble staying hard in bed?” the squirrel teased. The panda, now sitting down next to May, play-slapped her. “I’ll give you a hint. What starts with ‘V’ and ends in ‘-erabol’?” May sat upright and aghast. “YOU... bought Verabol? What happened to the whole ‘No drugs for me, I’m staying pure and natural!’ thing?” The squirrel puffed out her chest and acted comically like her partner. “I’m mixing it up now,” the panda said with a sly grin. For a moment, the squirrel daydreamed about what other concoctions she could now convince the panda to try…

Taking one pill a day, the panda managed to put on 35lbs of raw muscle in three weeks, and May enjoyed every ounce. Diana was careful in her self-administration, making sure to minimize side effects and keep her dosages as safe as possible. Her training redoubled, and soon she hit the limit of what Verabol alone could provide. May sent her sketchy forum postings every other day, each claiming to have discovered THE Miracle Steroid which would bring unlimited gains with no side effects. As Diana so often predicted, none panned out. The day of the strength competition drew near, and finally Diana decided to try something new. She was so close to “Elite” strength classes for her weight that she could almost taste it. She was already the strongest member of her gym before the experiment with Verabol, but now she was in a league of her own. Every morning, she put her 23½” arms, chiseled abs and obliques, bulging pecs and lats, and taught pair of glutes and thighs all on display strictly for her pipsqueak’s pleasure. Every rep enraptured May, and she found herself hoping for just that much more growth, all for her. Secretly, May snuck a few pills just to feel the gains herself. May was given the honor of performing the first Braxitol injection straight to Diana’s quads, which eagerly accepted the drug, just like the rest of her aching body. Finally, she broke through the plateau: she reached “Elite” across the board. By her estimates, she was the strongest woman in the region, and almost a shoe-in for the largest. Then she saw it. May’s text flashed on her screen while she was working with a client. UNLIMITED had posted a shot of their last competition on their Flutter page, and she had no words. The smallest contestant in the woman’s physique category, a tigress, had arms that dwarfed Diana’s entire leg, girth-wise. The rest of the day drew on like a bad lecture. Client after client, taking their damned time, while she ruminated on potentially throwing away her health for this competition, only to find out that she is to these bodybuilders as May is to her.

Diana used her coarse paws to open the previously-sizable laptop. Since her experiments with amateur endocrinology began, her laptop (and the rest of the world) had seemed smaller and smaller. The measly 18” computer sat on her lap. In the middle of watching a video on a bicep curl variation she’d like to try, another notification from UNLIMITED arrived in her inbox. It was flagged as important, so she paused her video and scrolled over to her mail app. The subject line was vague: “[UNLIMITED] ATTN New Contestant: Important Contest Info.” Something was off about the email, however. It didn’t come from the site she had registered at, unlim.xfit, but rather qugr.pharma. The message read:

	“Hello, Contestant!

	Welcome to the UNLIMITED competition group. We’ve processed your entry papers and you’ve been assigned #13 for the event at Tiyphes Hall. We’ll be shipping your preparation kit, and it should arrive in 2-3 business days. Please follow the instructions within. Here’s a breakdown of what you’re getting:
- 24 × Enhancement Method vials (NanoTon Trial #001-4, Authorized 12/01 as #Q7729-193)
- 24 × Injection accessories
- Enhancement Application & Measurement log book
- Competition attire*

Please keep in mind that you are subject to the UNLIMITED Non-disclosure agreement that was included in the admission paperwork. A quick rehash:
- You MAY NOT share any information regarding your preparation for UNLIMITED, even with other contestants or media.
- You MAY NOT share any of the contents of the preparation kit, even with other contestants or media.
- You MAY NOT share progress photographs between the application of your designated enhancement method.
- Failure to abide by the agreement may result in disqualification or legal action.
- The return of the EA&M log book is REQUIRED BY LAW.

Finally, please memorize the Enhancement Method name, trial no., and authorization number. You may it this during the competition.

	Good luck!

	Morgan Jackson
	Vice President, R&D
	Qügr Pharmaceuticals

* In case of bad fit, send an email to marketing.unlim@qugr.pharma with your measurements. New materials will be provided during check-in for the competition.

The panda raised her eyebrows. Why was a pharmaceutical company sending her competition gear for UNLIMITED, and what the hell is an “Enhancement Method” or a “NanoTon”?