
NSFW content/18+ only

A megabuff woman having trouble getting some exercise. Even running would be difficult with her gigantic thighs.

The tablet buzzed. “(1) New Message: Ginger Van Harald” the notification read. “down for a run, nattie?” Natasha's fingers danced across the screen. “sorry ginny. still down from last week's.” “its been 5 days tho!!” “ikr?” “lindsey's been dying for a run” “go without me, ill be fine” “you sure?” “yea, go for it!”


Bella's job had changed over the years. Born a dairy cow, she had “blossomed” in the usual bovine ways. Her ancestry had given her perky, round, JJ-cup udders, hips for bearing dozens of calves, and a plump, full rear. Her employment, however, had given her a body to make the most sturdy bull jealous.


Light. In her eyes. Amanda's day began the same way as always. She twisted off the bed and landed on her feet, stumbling a bit, but regaining her balance. The calendar read Monday. The mouse groaned out loud. “Looks like Wes had already gone out for breakfast. No, wait, he spent the night at his cousin's place in Barnsdale,” she thought. “Carl and Meridith's place. The wedding, right.”


The N train was late, as usual. Wendy tapped her foot impatiently. She didn't have anywhere important to be, but she'd rather be anywhere but that station. “Now Arriving: N train.” the automated announcer declared. “Finally,” Wendy thought. The railcar ground to a halt in front of her. After the relatively few travelers disembarked from the train, the hoard boarded. Her favorite seat by the window was taken, so she stood near one of the doors. A rumbling “thump”, “thump” approached.


Hannah had been looking forward to this day for weeks. The confident, 3ft rabbit finally arrived at the fitness center. The hefty door stood between her and her soon-to-be-gym. Obviously built for more substantial creatures than herself, even after her best heaving and shoving, she hardly budged the door. The rabbit pressed against the door with all her might, until it abruptly swungy open: a departing patron (a heavyset bear) had yanked the portal open. Humbled and more than slightly discouraged, she approached the front desk. Her high voice surprised the attendant, a lithe dragon.


your hyper girlfriend asks you to join her and her family for dinner at her house

“It’s no tux, but it’ll work,” you mutter to yourself as you slip on the salmon-colored polo. Meeting your girlfriends’ parents is usually a bit of a tense situation, but you feel as if you’ve gone off the deep end. Some girls’ dads would beat you to a pulp if you mistreat them, but Aria’s parents would fucking atomize you.


Character gets a magic/cursed item/artifact that rapidly increases their size and muscles as they work out

Thomas was no stranger to the gym. He had been going casually for years. Most of the time he spent there was on the treadmill, with the occasional dip in the pool. “Those weights are for jocks, right? There’s no way a stringbean like me would fit in,” he thought, eyeballing the free-weight room across the hall from his low perch on a recumbent cycle. The lithe man was not in bad shape, but he was by no means well-built. Thin, a bit on the lanky side, and built like a toothpick, he had often daydreamed about putting on some muscle. The prospect of having to track his nutrition and drink those horrible protein shakes had scared him off every time.


“Not hard to tell when someone on the bigger side is moving in to your neighborhood. Most houses aren’t up to the job of, er... housing folks like them. Either you live next to a house that’s can handle ‘em, or one next door gets torn down so such a house can be built. Well, 981 Fennerad Rd. just got leveled for no reason I could see. Guess we’re gonna have new neighbors.”


“You want to… what?” Avery asked incredulously. “I um… I want to try being on top tonight,” she shyly replies. Avery sat for a moment and contemplated the advance from his wife before placing his hand on her striated, globe-sized shoulder. “It’s bad form to ask this, but you weigh how much right now, honey?” he replies. “1014 pounds this morning… look, I see what you’re getting at. You know I don’t want to hurt you—” “Addie, how can this work? I’m 5 foot nothing, and you’re… huge.” “But-” she stammers. “You’re built to handle huge weights, Addie. You curl 300lbs with just your arm. I’ve seen the weights you push with those pillar legs you’ve got. I’m just… not built to handle that kind of activity.” “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”


The brass had gawked at the prospect of carrying these monsters on-board. Transportation of armored vehicles was one thing, but feeding and quartering soldiers that weighed as much was something else. Initially, they were only being moved by sea simply because they couldn’t be moved by air. These hypers did a real number on a ship’s crew carrying capacity. It took more than a rack of bunks just to house one of these beasts. With the admiralty’s complaints duly noted, the joint command insisted. Two carriers were designated for hyper-transport, and modifications were drafted. A year later, the first left port. The USS Albatross, previously deployed to the Japanese coast, was now ferrying these musclebound brutes across the ocean. The maiden voyage included 8 hyper service members from across the armed forces. All changes included, the Albatross had less than half of its original carrying capacity. The food stores had to be doubled, the standard fitness equipment had to be entirely redesigned to handle 10+ ton stresses, the works.