

Athlete (male or female, but I'd personally prefer male) acquires and uses experimental bovine growth hormone. Initially they're very successful at adding lots of mass, but later side effects include growing a tail, horns, and cow ears, plus huge genitals (for a guy) and four massive lactating breasts (for a female). In an effort to avoid bad publicity and legal repercussions, the company the hormones were stolen from abducts the victim and forces their transformation to progress in order to serve either as a stud or a milk cow.

Part I

Jake sat, staring at the vials, running over the whole story in his head. All the signs pointed to “bad idea”, but the thought of finally getting the leg up on Kyle and his bitchy girlfriend Sam was so tempting. The quintessential quarterback/cheerleader couple eclipsed him and his own girlfriend, Dana, constantly. Not out of spite, it’s just how popularity worked. Part of it Dana’s family being farmers, and Sam’s being lawyers. Part of it was Kyle’s meteoric rise on the football team, and Jake’s slow burn.


“But doc, I just feel so small compared to the other guys at the gym.” The counselor sipped on his coffee as his patient continued. “I can’t help staring at them – their heaving bodies, the weights they’re using… there’s no way I can ever be like that, but I want to so badly.” The therapist jumped in. “Can you tell me why you want to be like them?” His client stopped and wondered for himself. After a long pause, he admitted he didn’t know why, he “just did.” Another sip of coffee. The therapist marked down a few notes in the chart, and flipped back to the beginning of the folder. “You’ve been seeing me for a year and a half.” The client nodded. “When we started, you were 5’7”. You weighed 172lbs.” The client continued to nod. “I don’t have a scale handy, but I’m sure you’ve weighed yourself recently – how much do you weigh now?”