

The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


you've managed to get into a confrontation with a hyper, dummy; now what?

“So there I was, walking down West Main street, carrying this BIG darn stack of soda boxes,” the old fox recounted. “back when I was helpin’ at Ray’s Pub, before the place closed down. All together, they had to weigh 50-, 60lbs. Big damn boxes, could hardly see over the top of them. So there I am lugging these boxes down from the supply store, and I walk in to something. Lost the top few boxes. BAM, ten bucks of soda on the ground. That was a lot of soda back then! First thought was ‘Ray’s gonna have my ass’, but then I get to thinking what I hit. Thought I’d hit a lamp post for how sturdy it was, but I’d a’ seen it if it were that tall.


The N train was late, as usual. Wendy tapped her foot impatiently. She didn't have anywhere important to be, but she'd rather be anywhere but that station. “Now Arriving: N train.” the automated announcer declared. “Finally,” Wendy thought. The railcar ground to a halt in front of her. After the relatively few travelers disembarked from the train, the hoard boarded. Her favorite seat by the window was taken, so she stood near one of the doors. A rumbling “thump”, “thump” approached.


“Turn your head and flex. Start with your calves; I’ll let you know when to continue.” The wolf did as he was told. His calves reached 56” around. The doctor took note on his clipboard. “On to your upper legs, please.” 68”. “Relax your waist for a moment, please.” The doctor wrapped the reinforced, quick-extend tape measure around the wolf’s bulky midsection and round glutes. The wolf flexed. 140” around. The doctor counted the abs and obliques by pairs. Full 8 pack. The doctor pinched a bit next to the wolf’s bulging brick-like abdominals. “Your fur looks to be in good shape, Andrew. Alright, on to your back.” The wolf flexed his defined, map-like back. The doctor measured depth and width. Both were on the larger side of the doctor’s memory, but not enough to make him the largest. “Good, good. Arms by your side please.” The doctor stretched the measuring tape around the wolf’s broad, striated shoulders. Measurements of his chest (depth and circumference), arms (upper arm and forearm circumferences), his neck circumference, and his trapezius height came after. The doctor had to stand on a ladder to complete the measurements.