The Beauty of Maps

#100DaysToOffload – Day 13

As a child I used to love looking through our Reader's Digest Illustrated Atlas of the World. Found it fascinating looking at all the different countries and cities. As an adult I very much enjoyed reading Prisoners of Geography Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics, by Tim Marshall and was gutted to miss out on a talk by Tim Marshall at the British Library at the start of the year as it was on the same day as my daughter's birthday. She still moans about how my son & I went to watch football on the afternoon of her birthday once so I'm not risking that again! So the short BBC series The Beauty of Maps has been right up my street. There's only 4 episodes so you can watch them all in a evening if you wanted and it covers the both the history of map making and also the stories behind the maps. Very much recommend it for some lockdown viewing (whilst we still have lockdown left).

As an aside I do feel a bit sad my kids only experience maps on phone or tablet screens. We do have a couple of atlases but they've literally never shown any interest in them.

Now this is a story all about how My life got flipped turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I started doing