My left hand is useless

Seriously, it does not earn its keep! I know most people suffer from a non-dominant hand deficiency, but I feel like at some point my left hand just stopped vying for attention and has now gone into a permanent sulk!

It is rubbish at opening things like jars, windows and occasionally doors! I certainly can’t expect it to get cards out of my wallet to pay for things. I am attempting to type this one handed with babe in right hand – and lefty is giving it a valiant go but is struggling (and somehow managed to skip the curser around and delete the blog title!).

My left hand is like the lovely assistant in a magic show: essential to support the star magician, but completely ineffective on its own! It holds the food in place while right hand deftly cuts up dinner, it shares the load of heavy objects (although not equally – lefty never puts in the same effort in the gym), it cradles the weight of a bowling ball so right hand can skillfully hurl it down the alley. But it never takes centre stage, and has given up all ambition of doing so.

Maybe I should have shown it more love, encouraged its development more. It didn’t have to be this way, did it? Have I failed poor lefty?

Entry 3 of #100DaysToOffload

28 August 2020