Cohabiting with spirits

It's finally happening, I'm sharing my witchy life on The Fediverse! (Dun, dun, dun!) I'm kinda weary to share this part of myself, given some of my practices are kinda taboo, but here goes!

Those who know me on Mastodon might have seen some of the posts where I've vaguely mentioned witchy things. (I'm not very vocal about it due to the fact that people can be assholes.) I've never directly mentioned my spirit work before due to its taboo nature, my spirits and I are in very good standing to the point that when my boyfriend died our relationship still continued. You read it right, I'm dating a ghost. (It is a very odd situation, trust me I know, but it works.) It's been interesting for both of us, he seems to be indifferent to most of it. (He thinks it might be a bad idea to post this, I guess we will see.) I've considered writing a book with his assistance, it would be interesting to write a book with a ghost as a co-author.

My cousin's spirit is still annoyed with me, I never thought I'd have a ghost give me the cold shoulder over religious differences, but here we are. I hope she can find a way to understand it and actually talk to me again, I didn't get a lot of time with her while she was alive, and I'd like to make up for it.

I understand my spirit work is taboo and not for the faint of heart; Hell, the first time my boyfriend possessed me, I nearly passed out from his death trauma projecting onto my body. It took time before he could exist peacefully within me, but it was worth the wait. I was able to co-exist with my best friend almost instantly, but that was always a given, I've known her longer and we had an existing empathic connection. I've recently established some form of dream communication with him, I've taken to calling it the liminal plane. I don't know if that's a thing, or even if that's what it's called. It was brief, but it felt amazing. I've also found that he can take my pain in an emergency, I urge him to not do this as I can usually channel it off elsewhere if I'm not completely out of it.

More on the subject of pain-taking, I finally got the courage to have my Guardian Angel (Sandalphon) to remove the veil between me and my deities that seems to go up whenever I experience any type of physical trauma or illness. It's actually kind of liberating, it feels good to actually have someone just be there. In the past, only my ghosts witnessed my pain, and even then, it was just one of them. I also learned how to alchemize my pain into useful outlets, mainly reserves for strenuous rituals or emergency spells. I'm glad I found a way to deal with the barrage of energy that assaults me on the day to day, this is the part of being an empath that really fucking sucks.

Well, I think that does it for now. Do tell if I should post more, this gave me something to write about and break through writer's block!

Till next time, peace out!