Ostara: Blessings and Bullshit

Hello again, Fediversians! I return to you today with a tale of frustration and woe!

I'm writing this two days after I initially intended to write it because I've been dealing with the aftermath of a misunderstanding that quickly blew itself way out of proportion. Likewise, I loathe to even write this because it feels like a betrayal, both on my part and on that of my friend's.

On Saturday, I conducted a late Ostara ritual because we had initially forgotten it was a thing because neurodivergents and planning go together like a toaster in a bathtub. It was a last minute affair, but, it went surprisingly well for something with less than 7 hours of planning. We had fun, it was a nice group bonding activity; I even had a close friend assist me with the ritual! It all went swimmingly until an ex-member of the paranormal group showed up to “crash the party”

It just went down hill from there, even managed to chase away my close friend. The person in question managed to trigger my friend; I would've run his ass off if only I'd realized what it would've caused.

It only got progressively worse, like a real life dumpster fire. After said person's rowdiness sent my friend running from the space, he only continued with his posturing, belligerent bullshit. He threw gas on the consecrated flame we'd used for offerings and nearly blew up the 4x4 fireplace, continued to harass me and another friend for the rest of the night, and dragged in two unwanted guests! No one wanted to toss his ass out on the fact that he's both mentally unstable, immature, and a raging trumplicant, thus making the whole night nearly unbearable until we all rejoiced with relief when it was time to leave!

He also must have had some type of energetic attachment because something nearly killed me that night. Admittedly, it could have just been his rotten energy mucking everything up. He really drained me, which pissed me off and fucked up my sleep for the next two days. My ghosts couldn't even be near me due to the fact it brought up childhood trauma for them both!

Anyway, I just thought I'd vent here. I know nobody reads these, but it's nice to have an outlet that's anonymous unless I explicitly tell people!