
Hello again, wonderful denizens of the connected collective known as The Fediverse. I have returned.

As I sit here in the dark, thinking on where I am, where I was, and what my future has in store, I can't help but laugh.

It's been 3 years since I left everything and everyone that I'd ever known, since I tossed out the old and dove into the new, since I left my home to come to a strange place with even stranger people.

It's been 9 months and 12 days since the first person I could ever truly know, and who ever truly knew me, died.

It's been 2 months and 22 days since my boyfriend died by a gunshot to the head at the hand of a bloodthirsty, racist cop.

It's still fresh in my mind, even though their spirits remain with me.

On brighter things, I seem to be progressing well on my, admittedly unorthodox, spiritual path.

Even though I wasn't able to save my best friend from her boyfriend's jealous rage, I got the chance to relieve the pain of someone in an identical situation. Small miracles, I suppose.

I have some type of odd natural attunement to energy, emotions, and auras, and a magnetic personality according to the Gods I exist under. It seems to be vastly different to other traditions like Reiki.

I've had pushback and negative reactions from a few people I know, plenty of claims that what I'm doing is “wrong” which is funny considering they're pagan. I've chosen to ignore the unfounded bitching, my Gods are my business, nobody else.

I usually try to keep personal bitch posts to a minimum, considering I'm moderately certain people from the cult I grew up in are stalking me on The Fediverse.

Until next time!