Went to a new Church with friends today

It was a lovely little congregation called Unity Center for Positive Living; it wasn't very big, but it felt like a nice reprieve from the darkness that has settled over my St. Timothy's.

I got back to Seattle late last night; didn't think I was going to make it, to be completely honest. I was jet-lagged as all hell and just generally felt like crap, I tried pulling energy from one of my Gods and we nearly killed each other! I got home at 1:08 and didn't actually fall asleep til somewhere around 3-ish, I remember asking them to please try and wake me up on time. I woke up at 7:45, just before a friend called me to ask when she should be ready.

We made it about 30 minutes early, the whole place had a sort-of old yet still sturdy kind of vibe. It did initially spook me when I spotted the cross, the inside was reminiscent of the always-well-hated Baptist congregations of my tortured youth. A pianist played music from an old hymnal, it seemed to be renditions of classic Christian hymns re imagined for a more open faith. The Priest (Pastor?) was an older woman whose name escapes me at the moment, (I think it was Joyce.) she seemed to have a healthy energy to her, which is always a good thing in a Church! The service started off with a brief meditation period, and then we were off to the races!

I kid, I kid! In reality, it was relatively slow. It was a range of prayers, a few feel-good chants, a reading from Luke, (though I'm not sure of the translation) another slightly longer meditation on the reading, some healing prayers for friends, family, and foe alike, and finally a dismissal.

It's Palm Sunday, Lent, so the reading was on the crucification. Afterward, we meditated on the reading. From the point of view of the donkey. (Trust me, I know how it sounds.) It was kinda nice, we were told to imagine ourselves on that desert road, on the way to what certainly must have felt like utter doom. I found myself shifting through several emotions as my perspective changed from disciple to disciple, to Jesus himself. I felt a range of emotions: Anger, hopelessness, longing, fear for the unknown, anguish.

It's times like this when I am equally thankful as I am annoyed to be an empath. It can either be a boon or a bane, there is no in-between. I feel like a Goddamn Pensieve, just getting random emotional bursts before they flitter away just as fast as they came! It's good too, sometimes, when someone is hurting and I can relieve their pain. My Aunt always said I was a healer, I never believed her til now. I actually openly mentioned my other Gods and my abilities and didn't have someone smile and nod like I'm in a fucking funny farm or give me some cheap little condescending smirk! Ha!

I still have friends at St. Tim's, I'd feel bad if I just up and left. It's like I haven't been going long enough to be received, but I also had my baptism renewed there. I might just alternate between the two, both are equally nice, so I think it'd be OK.

We had a small meal after where we chatted with some of the other members, it was nice. I didn't sense any hostility, just joy at making new friends. I chatted about my abilities and my Gods a bit, nobody laughed or brushed me off, one woman even mentioned she dabbled in tarot as well! Overall, it was a good day!

I'll end this here, as I can't think of anything more to add. Good day and happy existence to all who read me! (and those of you who don't, as well!)