Once You Were Given Purpose
Content Warnings: magical girl transformation, corruption
As you raise the wand above your head and scream the magic words, something already feels different. The swirling ribbons burst forth from the wand's gem, just as they always do, filling everything around you—but they are sharp and purple, not those familiar soft pastels.
The ribbons fray as they stretch, and soon you are surrounding by a sharp-edged cloud, sparkling in the light seeping from your wand—that, at least, is familiar, though it trickles forth in anemic bursts. Gone is the brilliant guiding light that once blazed around you, as warm and overwhelming as the sun; the power that settles into you is broken, distorted, just as you will soon be—for the torn ribbons which were once the flesh and bone of your other form, that bouncing skirt and frilly gloves (that ridiculous half-cape and the thin leather strap around your neck), have not remembered their purpose.
They settle hungrily on your skin, sharp and implacable; blood wells from a thousand cuts as they begin to slip beneath. You don't know what they're trying to do and don't much care—the pain does not inspire curiosity (not yet, but give it time) and you can still feel the power welling within your wand. It's always so hard to use magic when you're simply human, but here, in this other place of swirling light and rising power, you are not exactly that; but nor are you that other thing, that perfect shadow who fights with such conviction.
The magic does not come easily; it almost feels like it's fighting against you, struggling not to be used (oh, that feels odd). It does not feel like your magic, that burning fire which flows outwards from your heart to be concentrated in your wand—it is slippery and subtle, full of sudden angles and secret plans—but it is within you and so it is yours (that can't be right).
It takes an eternity and it takes no time at all, but it breaks before your will (oh no), just as every enemy you have faced has; the splintered ribbons, deep within your flesh, turn like needles before your power (...). They remember their purpose and they return to it.
As the magic of transformation recedes, your new form is nothing like your old—gone is the innocent perfection, the beautiful power that drew from your friends and allies, the shining beacon of your heart given form. You are sharp and wicked, a being of angles; your armor glistens in the light, iridescent. What flesh remains—for as the ribbons burrowed beneath your flesh, your weaknesses sloughed away—is merely a weapon. Just enough to distract, to give pause, to arouse, to make your opponents wonder if there's someone in there who could be saved.
The pretense of humanity.
Because you're not human any more, not really; this is not your light bursting forth, elevating you to a platonic ideal, to the person you always could have been if you were not burdened by flesh. In your struggles you found another power and greedily drank it down.
The hex on your wand, which should have killed you, instead led you to where you should always have been (to me). You invited it in, and a vessel cannot help but be remade by what it contains; even now it flows through your mind, rewriting your thoughts—you can feel each change it makes, bursts of pleasure punctuating the growing clarity with which you see the world. Before, you would have thought this a fate worse than death, a bad end to be avoided at all costs; but here, in the moment, you just wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
(... well that's better)
(we're going to have a lot of fun)
(let's start with your friends)