How to get someone to do something.

The only way to get anybody to do anything is to make them ''want'' to do it.

This is the art of selling: To get someone to do something and making them feel it is their decision and in their benefit.

People will always support what they help create.

This applies to motivating yourself. If you can get yourself to ''want'' to work harder you are halfway there.

Motivation is one thing. Desire is another. If you can stir up the passions, be it in yourself, co-workers, employees, prospects or customers, you are very close to success.

Logic tells, emotions sells.

Without desire or ''want'' there can be no moving forward. If you force someone to do something this is where things backfire sometimes.

A person will always defend his or her decisions and actions if he or she was acting out of free will. If someone thought it was a great idea themselves you are halfway there.

The art of selling is then to make someone ''want'' something but then to make them feel it was their decision. Always let it be about them. Their benefit, their win. We all love to win and hate to loose. Think investment. Think benefit. Think building value and trust.

People love to buy something but hate being sold something.
