My blog

My story

Give yourself a second

One second can make such a huge difference. Give yourself one more second to think before you talk, post, comment, react or take action in a way that could go south.

Take one second before you speed, slam the door, speak your mind or criticise.

Bite on your tongue the saying goes. Another saying is: If you can't say something good about someone, say nothing.

I wonder how many lives, relationships, physical health and mental health situations could have been saved if we did give ourselves one more second.

I know sometimes life happens and we don't get a second.

What sayings or thoughts about this comes to mind for you?



The first and the last door or call

It is sometimes the last call you make or the last door you knock on that give you the breakthrough.

That why you need to push on even if you feel like quitting.

Sometimes it's the first call you make or the first door you knock on that say yes to an appointment.

Begin early and stay late. It has been the secret sauce for ages.

Nothing replace honest hard work. There is no better fertiliser than a farmers boot. Be in the field.



Persist until you succeed

When we fail to persist, we persist to fail. Persistent positive action, applied consistently is what bring the break through.

When we fail because we did not persist with correct action we feel bad. When we fail in spite of persisting with correct action, we may feel good.


The key person was identified

The person that can makes you successful quickly, happens to be the person who can bring you down the quickest. To know that person and manage him or her effectively is what will make you successful. That person is you.


The importance of courage

To succeed in sales courage is a must. Courage go hand in hand with confidence. Trust is build right from the moment you pick up the phone, right through till years after the sale when you still give good after sales service.

Without courage the phone would still be on the hook, the customer would still be without your product and you would be poorer for it.

The biggest complement I ever received was when a customer said: ''Thank you for having had the courage to introduce us to your wonderful product. We would still be non the wiser if you didn't come and show us.''

I am an authorised distributor for 24 years.

Regards GF