Turn any energy into positive energy Take any energy that comes your way and turn it into positive energy.

When you get a cancellation, be it an appointment or a sale, take that energy and use it to your advantage. I mastered this art and use sales rejection and prospecting rejection to my advantage. It is like fuel to me. If someone is treating me unkind, it fuels my enthusiasm and persistence to a level that make me almost hyper. I become so inspired and excited. I become so motivated when I experience a tough day.

I am the kind of guy when I get an uphill, I smile because I know there is a downhill coming.

Say: ''This person will NOT determine my future.'' Then take positive action.

Focus on what made you successful in the first place. Stick to the basics. Do more of these actions.

Embrace massive positive action. Become unstoppable. Become unreasonable. What I mean is become obsessed with taking massive positive action. Become unreasonable in taking massive positive action.

Go make a success.

Regards GF