What did you use your massive brain for today? Productivity or time wasting? Making peace or starting a fight? Creative writing or browsing social media? Income generation or binge TV watching? Income generation or binge newspaper reading? Making another plan or complaining? Taking responsibility or blaming someone? Positive actions or negative actions? Positive thoughts or negative thoughts? Build up or tear down? Etc.

Our brains are very powerful devices capable of creative thinking with brilliant and excellent potential within our grasp and yet we choose to do mind numbing activities with detrimental real life effects. We are poorer for it.

All the potential you could ever want is within that big wonderful brain of yours. Sure you need to develop it and sure success is not going to jump out of thin air right onto your lap just because of wishful thinking.

But you have the hardware. You have all the potential you could ever ask for. No, sorry you can't get a bigger brain. The main difference between someone that use their mental faculties to their full potential and the person who waste his/her brainpower on mindless, mind numbing, wasteful activities is this: The former made a concious decision to use his/her brain capacity wisely while the latter don't care because other things are more important.

In the end it comes down to a choice. Nobody blames you either way yet the choice you make ultimately shapes your income, happiness and results.
