What will you do to be successful?

Most people say they will do ''anything'' to be successful. That is until ''anything'' stands in front of them. Then most people will not do ''anything''. As a matter of fact people are very choosy when it comes to work. ''I can never do that.'' is a common phrase. What they meant to say is:'' I will not do that.'' or ''That work is beneath me''.

All work is honourable. Unless it involves hurting someone that is innocent.

We have not suffered enough. When things go really bad we will do anything to survive. When things are bad but we are still OK we tend to be more choosy of what we are willing to do and there is nothing wrong with that, it is each person's right.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Each of us decide what we we are willing to do.

Desire for success can motivate you to go the extra mile, to do what others refuse to do, this means to be hungry for success. Be hungry for success.

Do what others refuse to do. Go the extra mile. Work when others refuse to work, this is a major key to success.
