
Poetry blog. This is a space to republish original poems and get them back into circulation, as well as for new observations.


suspicious of inanimate                              

7    wherevers

                                            threaded tape, follow


it doesn’t doesn’t red


            LIGHT and your city and think


about it, “Athenian,”


if the razor exaggerates it doesn’t hinge

on scissors’ decision                           that axle


                        “neither STOP nor GO” and no

                        to bend


            shards of (names its trashbins PLANES glass


retribution a lie and tribute and tribe

red doesn’t


             paranoias no axles, but neithers of doors

and cast to die


Saturday’s                  (anonymous suture



(tagged to old jokes


                        gabby charges of admission

                        your price:  no longer find fault.


            EXIT (imperial)                  


            drew the winning ticket

            and went away           “hear a fist”



            behind which door

                                           “intimacy it screams”


No wonder razors lie


Lotus Eater Magazine 15 (Fall/Winter 2022): https://lotuseatermagazine.files.wordpress.com/2022/05/lotus_eater_issue_15.pdf



The eyes of these dancers - queerly askew of the order of rhythm the rest of the body obeys - uncoiling averse to the limbs’ lightest cue

Toward the coincident audience the others the contrary eyes also followers of imitation’s most static law dilated

Though turning each fixed on another still black circle just as empty

About which this ornate facsimile of life gestures and spins unseen


Published in Pine Cone Review, November 2022: https://thepineconereview.com/glissade-poetry-dance-by-merrill-cole/


#poetry #poem #experimental