Yellow Yo-Yo


Pull the stars from their

dead sockets. Not even the least

flicker stays fixed. For every X

on the map marks the burial

site of someone who


lingered too long—this is no

signature. Catch quickly

what stains and folds have not rubbed

out: location is a trap.


What use in a hobby-horse that won’t

move? And if it does, a delight

always to jerk back to the place you

wouldn’t leave, now dizzy because

the circus is just the same.  

Every telephone


pole or grandfather tree offers

another hold for the noose. Some


limbs deserve to be severed.

You cannot stand underneath

forever watching sluggish

constellations repeat.


No destination. Don’t ever sign it. 

For like a yellow yo-yo the sun

dangles from your hand.


Occupy Wall Street Poetry Anthology, 2011.