Maternity vs Paternity: Portrait Photography

f/3.5, 1/60, ISO 200, 50mm, Canon Rebel T3i, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8

I shot this in front of our living room window which has those thick, yellowish-white, scratchy curtains that so many apartments come with. To avoid having to Photoshop out to much detail from the curtains, I overexposed them and used a large white reflector placed behind the camera to add some fill on our bodies.

Here's the original RAW file. I cropped by wife's lovely lower back curve to better sell the symmetry but in retrospect, I feel I may have done her a disservice. Ha.

I had tried out a few color versions but once I saw it in black and white, I knew I was going to stick with that. Nothing was really gained from the color and monochrome really highlights the essentials; our silhouettes, bellies, negative space, and expressions.