Day 9 of 100 Days of Code

This has been one rough day again. Too many distractions around me during my time for coding. I have to come up with something that I can use as a solution for this. And another problem that I am currently facing my lack of focus. My mind has been wandering to different places while coding. This is going to be pretty tough to deal with.

Anyways, here is the list of coding challenges I finished: 1. Use the CSS Transform scale Property to Scale an Element on Hover 2. Use the CSS Transform Property skewX to Skew an Element Along the X-Axis Passed 3. Use the CSS Transform Property skewY to Skew an Element Along the Y-Axis 4. Create a Graphic Using CSS 5. Create a More Complex Shape Using CSS and HTML 6. Learn How the CSS @keyframes and animation Properties Work 7. Use CSS Animation to Change the Hover State of a Button 8. Modify Fill Mode of an Animation 9. Create Movement Using CSS Animation 10. Create Visual Direction by Fading an Element from Left to Right 11. Animate Elements Continually Using an Infinite Animation Count 12. Make a CSS Heartbeat using an Infinite Animation Count 13. Animate Elements at Variable Rates 14. Animate Multiple Elements at Variable Rates 15. Change Animation Timing with Keywords

That's all for now, thanks for reading!

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