Day 11 of 100 Days of Code

This is mark as the first post written in Publii CMS. It is a Content Management System that I found at the, looking for a CMS that I can replace with the blogging platform that I was using. As I was scrolling down the list of the website, I discovered this CMS that was “Intuitive and beginner-friendly” that was Publii. I decided to try it out and I was amazed of what I experienced. The UI is simple and intuitive. All of the settings are easy to understand. And it also has a built-in Static Site Generator that builds this website. And the rest is one hell of a history.

Anyways, I am back coding! I finished my migration from to Publii. It was a rather simple process of copying and pasting my blog posts. I have now finished the “Applied Visual Design” section. I am currently solving coding challenges at the “Applied Accessibility” section. From what I can tell, I did pretty well.

Here is the list of coding challenges that I finished:

Learn How Bezier Curves Work Use a Bezier Curve to Move a Graphic Make Motion More Natural Using a Bezier Curve Add a Text Alternative to Images for Visually Impaired Accessibility Know When Alt Text Should be Left Blank Use Headings to Show Hierarchical Relationships of Content Jump Straight to the Content Using the main Element Wrap Content in the article Element Make Screen Reader Navigation Easier with the header Landmark Make Screen Reader Navigation Easier with the nav Landmark Make Screen Reader Navigation Easier with the footer Landmark Improve Accessibility of Audio Content with the audio Element Improve Chart Accessibility with the figure Element Improve Form Field Accessibility with the label Element And that's all for my great return from a short “break”.

Thanks for reading!

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