Of Mud-pies and Skinned Knees... These are the things we are made of

Sometime around 7 years of age, during a summer Sunday church sermon, the pastor read a verse about becoming an adult and casting off childhood things (or something like that). I remember asking my mother afterwards if that meant that when I grew up I could no longer like rollercoasters. I say this honestly- I was quite upset and saddened at the thought. 

I've now passed the age that my mother was when I had asked her that question and I am happy to report that I never lost my love of all things rollercoasters. 

Whether on purpose or not, we do cast off childhood ways as we grow. For one, we don't play like we did when we were young. You need true, free time to play; to be unencumbered with responsibility. Where our imaginations were once boundless, they now function within the realm of possibility. We don't 'play house' because we live it. 

All is not lost- it just takes more effort to do what, as a kid, was effortless. Rollercoasters exist... we just need to make the time to ride them.