Mike Stone

Mostly The Lonely Howls Of Mike Baying His Ideological Purity At The Moon

Every platform has it's fan base. That's true of Linux, macOS, and even Windows. It's probably just me, but Apple fans always seem to have grandiose ideas of their place in the market.


The “fall” is here, and school has begun for my kids. Remote learning brings a whole host of interesting challenges that previous years have not had.


Ever notice how sometimes it's the tiny features that you use so much you don't even notice they're there that really make a UI usable? Recently I switched to UbuntuDDE from Ubuntu Mate, and one of those features was missing, and it's been driving me crazy!


My primary browser of choice is not Firefox. There are many arguments about why it should be, but I continue to use Vivaldi for most things. That doesn't mean I don't have Firefox around or that I don't use it. Recently Mozilla came out with a new “feature” that I just had to give a spin.


These days, we're all really busy. Work, families, trying to have a little fun every now and again. So, how do we manage all the things we want to do so we can cram them all into our available time?


A couple years ago, I bought a Pocket C.H.I.P. to tinker around with. It was a cool little device that I didn't use to nearly it's potential. And then it went into a drawer. Recently, I've dug it back out again, and I'm seeing if there's something I can do with it.


LibreOffice 7.0 has just been released. I've been using LibreOffice since it was called StarOffice, so of course I wanted to install it right away. Here's a quick and dirty review.


Many of you know the story of Fosstodon, but there are many of you who don't. Now seems like an appropriate time to tell this story again.


Tonight, United States President Donald Trump announced that the popular video app TikTok would be banned in the US. This whole torrid affair is why open source and decentralization is just plain better.


In the early 1990s, I attended my “local” university, and majored in Computer Science. The languages that they offered were limited, both by the time and the place. Still, everybody had a language that they chose over all the rest. A “Programming Language of Choice”. Mine has changed over time.