Day 1: MEWS

So I guess I'm going to start mobile game. Recently I spent some time at an awesome game store in Madison and while browsing and reminiscing, I came to the conclusion that I might just have to make the game I want to play myself.

This is how it always happens.

I want to play something specific, but it doesn't exist, then I make it, then I don't get to play it anyway.

So here we go again.

Right now, I've got basically an outline. Not even a proper game design document, but I figure I'll probably avoid that unless I need it. If other people join in the project, I can consider writing up a full one. Or a wiki. That might be better.

Mini Empire World Seed

One sentence pitch: A single player RPG where you create your own character, explore the world, interact with factions, grow your power base, and unite your very own mini empire.



As of now, this is just a hobby horse. It's not a part of the Voidspiral business plan, it's something I'm working on in my free time. Maybe I can make it a viable side hustle, maybe not. We'll see. I expect the project to grow and evolve as time goes on.


I'm going to be using Unity for this project for a few reasons:

I'm not yet sure whether to use Git or Unity's code sharing service. Git would be under my control, but Unity would probably be less of a hassle and more designed for Unity games, but I think there's a smaller upper limit on the size of the repo, ironically. I need to investigate this more.

Joe Bush –