I Told the Stars About You

You, someone who always understands me even at my worst Someone who holds my hand when we walk on the street so I would feel safe Someone who sends me good morning and good night texts Someone who always hugs and comfort me when I cry instead of asking me why I cry Someone who never gets angry even when I do something wrong Someone who protects me from anything bad in this world Someone who reminds me to take care of myself Someone who teaches me about a lot of things someone who always by my side 24/7 so I never feel lonely Someone who is proud to say that I'm his Someone who always makes me laugh over small things someone who never gives up on me Someone who cuddles me until I fall asleep Someone who kisses me when I wake up and before I sleep Someone who completes me Someone who loves me unconditionally

The stars smiled, maybe the universe has conspired to bring us together. How lucky I am to have you in my life.

Cosmic radiation Cosmic radiation