Start Here May 2020 Update

So a month has gone by and a few new articles to update on the Start page I created for easy navigation to articles of interest. Remember that currently in Coil Posts are listed in submit date order.

Well, I was going to just copy/past the contents of the Start Here Page and then delete the original. Interestingly the copy past does not include the pictures or links to the articles. That took a long time to create and to do it over again is frustrating me.

Solution I think is to just Post a new article with a link to the original Start Here article that is easily updated with the new posts and links. So next month I will have just a short intro and link to the original.

(See below)

*Start Here*

Welcome new readers.

For those that are new, take a look around. You could start at the earliest post and read through till the most recent post, however I decided to organize my posts so you could pick per your preference.