July 19, 2020

Day 43 Oh no, my brush is down the drain!

I was thinking on a song our churches choir has sung for several years while getting ready for church this morning. The refrain goes something like this, “ No storm can shake my inmost calm, when to that rock I’m clinging, since love is Lord of heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing?” I had just put my liquid foundation makeup on and was putting on my powder foundation when the unimaginable thing happened. My brush fell down the drain! Thankfully I pulled up the stopper which held it in place from going farther down. Why was the drain open in the first place you ask? That’s a story in itself. So on with the drama. Tweezers and a comb didn’t work. Were there pliers in the pickup that was close outside? No. So the next best thing was to head to the barn. Thankfully I knew where the pliers were.” Long nosed “did the trick. Did I say it was after 8 and church is at 8:30 and I still had hair to dry.

Well the brush was saved, I finished getting around and we made it with a few minutes to spare. I was still singing... a dilemma (a small storm) had risen up. What to do? I kept my head. I asked the Lord what to do and he guided me better than I could think or imagine, with perfect timing.

Does life always work that smooth. Not always. When such things arise I normally panic. I’m learning that many of life’s difficulties get worked out a lot quicker if I keep calm. Faced any storms lately? There is “one” who is in the midst of the storm with us bringing us to a safe and calm haven.
