May 21, 2020

Day 23: A Heart Condition

It has been said we inherit much from our parents. Some of those things can be our eye color, blood type, distinct characteristics, and possibly some health condition and diseases.

My daughter told me about a book she was going through in a Bible Study and thought I might be interested. The title of the book is “The Enemies of the Heart “by Andy Stanley. I had listened to some of the teaching on YouTube and decided there was enough I was interested in to get my own copy.

My life has been plagued with fears, doubts, jealousies, anger, pride and guilt. Coincidentally 3 issues that I struggled with the most were talked about in this book. Admittedly no one wants to admit their issues. I will pull out anger as an example. My family knows I wrestle with this issue.

Over the years I have thought I was dealing with my anger, but in reality I was stuffing it to the breaking point and would blow up with words and actions that was damaging to myself and those whom I love. The negative chatter would point condemning fingers at me. As I work through my anger I recall my parents both having anger issues. I witnessed their explosions without learning how to defuse or deal with the problems. Anger is a heart enemy. Built up hurts, destructive thoughts, emotional instability. These grow in the secret places of our heart. The best way to defuse anger? Expose it by admitting and confessing it is a problem. When we bring issues of the heart into the open, it gives them less power over us.

A scripture I quote quite often is Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart Oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. I picture my heart in His mighty hand making my heart what He created it to be, forgiven and made new.
