I Came for the Money but Stayed for the Memes (Coil Edition Vol. 3)

Another week is almost in the books and another batch of memes is out of the oven. For 3rd week in a row, I have created a few Coil themed memes hoping these bring a laugh as we kick start the 2nd half of 2020. I don't know about you but I have this weird perception of time for this year so far as I feel it has gone by so fast and taken forever at the same time. How is that even possible?

Anyway, picking up from last week's memes post, I am thrilled to bring you a few new memes which are also inspired by the experience of creating and consuming content here in Coil. I think the fact that I have been able to come up with Coil specific memes for three weeks straight (And I have even more in the pipeline) talks about how vibrant, unique and lively this community is.

By the way, if you would like to share any of these memes either from today's post or the previous ones on your Coil posts or on your socials, please feel free to do so! I am happy to share these with everyone, specially if it brings a smile to their face.

Wishing all a good weekend ahead. Stay safe, stay healthy and be excellent to each other!

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