Discord, anyone?

Anyone here on W.a use Discord?

Disregard my previous rantings about privacy and the absurdity of social networks, as I'm sure Discord is not very privacy focused, and I guess it's considered a social network? I've used it mostly for gaming (which I don't really do anymore, yay for being an old fuck). But I've also used it for general online communities and for a variety of other reasons. A lot of software developers use it to allow customers to provide faster input on beta testing, or even general support inquiries for companies.

I was thinking it might be fun to have a place to chat or interact more with other writers here on W.a and just have a fun online hangout. This may not be the best way to do it, and it may be a stupid idea, but, oh well. I'll remove this post, if so.

I made a new dummy account, and a dummy server, which you can join by going to this link.