Good golly gumdrops, what a crazy day it's been. My phone sounds like the inside of a casino, with its constant ringing and endless variety of tones that mean messages from different people or accounts. It's the “usual madness” for a Tuesday in our world of farming, so it's nothing really new. But, sometimes it just hits me how much is happening in so many areas – a constant flow of moving puzzle pieces that we somehow have to line up every week to make sure things flow smoothly, greens are sold, people are happy, and money is in the bank.

Even with the craziness of it, I still enjoy it. It's been a wonderful job and I truly feel blessed to be where I am. I don't miss the corporate or startup world at all.

Tits McGee sent me a message with pure joy just a few moments ago. I had secretly sent her a surprise package today with a new water filter device that you can carry around in your backpack, or attach to your hiking gear, etc. If you're curious on specifics, it's the Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter. You can find them just about anywhere now – even Walmart has them – and they're only about $30. As we hike and camp constantly, these little things are essential to have to collect and filter fresh water, if needed. Or even just to have in case of emergencies. It'll last a lifetime, without having to change filters or any silliness like that.

Sure, it's not the most romantic gift. But, she has wanted one and commented on it before, and good ol' Mr. Gr3y listens to things – sometimes, anyway. And gifts are best given at random, out of love, without expectations of return, instead of stupid holidays or because it's expected or assumed. I'm not into gifts or materialistic things, and like to claim that I'm an essentialist. This is where I'll invest in really nice things that I feel are important and worthy of having, but overall keep a pretty minimalist approach to just about everything. But sometimes things are worth getting and giving. I felt this was one of those things, and in the context of a 'just because' gift. You know, love and mushy stuff.

We're still planning on going hiking this afternoon, and lounging in the hammocks. I may start posting photos in these posts as well, in the future. And plus, now she can pull some fresh water from the rivers and have a nice cool drink. It makes it super nice. You can also attach those things to your water bag, or camelback, and have the water filter as you suck it through.

TMO (and just about anyone else that reads this): go hiking. Seriously. Slow as you go, if you need. Walk as though you're a quiet monk, with complete and total presence with every step. Even if you only get out a short distance, just stop and enjoy nature if nothing else. That's all I like to do, mainly. We hike up to somewhere and then just chill. Enjoy the quiet sounds of the wind, trees rustling, the river flowing, or whatever. It's extremely refreshing. Take water and snacks, maybe even a journal. Just be.

More later...
