On looking back...

It's funny to look back at my previous writings on this site. So much has changed in such a short little time. In a few posts, I was talking about feeling like the third wheel with my best friend and his wife, even stating that sometime in the future I hope to have my own person, but highly doubted that it would actually happen. But yet, about 8 months later, I am with someone in one of the greatest, most fulfilling, rewarding, passionate, intimate and uplifting relationships I've ever had, by a long shot.

I remember my mindset when writing those older posts and the person I was during those times. It's such a shift to how things are now. I find it funny because I wasn't seeking out a person. Although I welcomed it, I didn't want to get into a relationship. I wasn't trying to meet anyone at all. It just happened, kind of unexpectedly. I just aligned myself with who I wanted to be, for myself, realizing that I didn't need anyone to be fulfilled or complete or anything of the sort. I embraced the truth that I am already complete, and I am entirely content on my own and was satisfied with the idea of being solo. It seems, though, that when I stopped chasing after what I kept telling myself I was lacking, that's when things really took off in my life. This has been proven to me time and time again, whether it be with relationships or jobs, etc. When I stop focusing on the lack of things, I realize I already have it, and seem to attract new people and experiences that align with the energy I give off and focus on. It all seems like a bunch of hippie bullshit, but, it works.

Moral of the story, stop focusing on what is missing or lacking. Stop feeding the beliefs that the acquisition of those items or persons is what will make you feel what you desire to feel. Instead, just align with your truth. Recognize who you are now and that you already are perfection. Then, focus on the love you can give instead of the love you're demanding be given to you. Watch how your life changes.

More later...
