Thread Balance

Trying to cross a street in Dhaka, Bangladesh is a fun challenge.

Your life is most definitely on the line as you try to reach into the goodness in drivers' hearts to get them to stop their behemoth of metal while you, a mere mortal of flesh, stand stranded in-between lanes of cars trying to dodge one bike while gesturing apologies to another jeep. The floor is most definitely lava when there is no zebra crossing.

But, after I narrowly made it to my side of the street today — I realized that this is life.

Your life is always on hanging on a small balance. One little change and your life falls apart, let alone cease to exist. We are tiny and powerless as we try to live in an environment where there are as many threats as atoms in that space. It is only by God's mercy that he protects us — we are like a child in the womb, all our needs taken care of yet completely oblivious of the one who does that.