Family time and birthdays

Good day today. We spent a lot of time with the family. We celebrated my oldest son and my sisters oldest son. Their birthdays are next to each other even though there is many years in between. Weather was great. I was doing a nice barbecue with sausages and hamburgers for the kids and lamb chops for the adults. I managed to get the chops perfect – a nice surface and soft and moist center. Simply perfect. I also keep the seasoning simple – oil, salt, pepper and some chili flakes.

The kids played and had a great time. Even if they at a couple of times went totally over the line and became super crazy. One of the kids started to pull the delimiter line for the robotic lawnmower up from the ground – not at all appreciated by grandma. The same kid also insisted to blow all the candles from the cakes even if it wasn't his birthday party.

This was the first trip we took with the new car. It was really nice. It is huge and you really need to be careful maneuvering it. But it is really spacious inside and everyone could travel really comfortable. The issue was that after a while the boys started to fight in the far back – and there being a whole seat in between forced me to stop and separate them. In time we will probably find the correct seating and travel can be calm without interruptions.

I even got time to go and do some ordinary things like grocery and mowing the lawn at home. We sat in the veranda and had dinner. Just a simple one since we eat a lot during the day. Then I played football with the kids. Ton of fun. We also made a new ball sport up.
