Finally a good day

Today was a really good day. Work was calm and I got a lot of stuff done. I picked the oldes one up at school. He was in a super good mood and we had some cosy time before picking the rest of the kids up.

Went to pick the new car up. Was pretty uneventful. Paid the last part of it and had all the papers signed over. The car goes really well. But when I came home and had parked it it didn't want to start again. Stone dead. No power at all to any of the lamps on the dashboard. I troubleshoot alot. Checked all the fuses. Also measured the voltage on the battery. Everything looked as it should. But after one and a half hour I heard some sparks from one of the poles of the battery – it was not attached as well as it should. A quick round with the key and everything was fine again.

Now I am preparing for the bike ride tomorrow. The oldest kid will do a 65k bike ride. Since he's not even 10 years old it will be a great challenges. I am looking forward to it and it will be great fun. I really hope he has energy to do the full ride. I will tell you tomorrow how it goes.
