The first of many things

Today it's the first of June. First real summer month. Did my first real bike race/ride with the son. We had great weather. Not to warm, not windy and no rain. The ride took about 4 hours to complete and he never complained once. Or, well, he did. But only for pain in his ass. After a few hours in the saddle you will start to hurt.

After the bike ride we rested and had a slow afternoon. I even slept for an hour or so. I am not used to bike for that long time anymore and it really drains you of energy. But I am super happy.

I wasted some time on Youtube watching some old documentaries about how tax money is being used. I have for some time wanted to look into how the local / regional governing system is using our money and if they are investing and spending them on the right things or not. I think they get away with too much stuff. It simply goes under the radar. My problem is that I want to do it but I do not have the time to do it. So it will likely not happen.

I still need to rework that blog article I started to work on a few days ago. And I also have some unfinished work-work that I need to do. But I am procrastinating here. Still happy and relaxed after this day. We have a quiet family day with some birthday celebration coming up tomorrow. I really hope it will be as good as today was.
