Vacation in the south

On vacation with the whole family in the south. And today we went to the swimming pool together with the in laws and their kids. The kids had a really good time and we where able to relax a bit.

The sun was really strong. And even if I used sunscreen with a 50x factor I still burned my arms and back a bit. Good thing we used it multiple times on the kids. They where a lot in the water and in the sun but they seem to have made it without any major burns.

The little one struggles a bit in the warmth. We are trying different approaches to keep her cool. Water on the head from a water bottle or laying on a wet towel seems to help a lot.

In the evening we had a BBQ with other of the family of my spouse. We had a great time and the kids likewise. We could actually sit down and talk a bit without being to much disturbed. The major issue now is the lack of language skills. Good thing I have picked up a couple of words so that I at least can understand the context. Impossible to understand and follow a discussion still. I don't really have time to practice the language either.

If I get some time over in the future I will try to learn it. Would be so good to actually take part in the discussions at the family dinners.

I am knackered so time to sleep!

Lights out!
