PoC keylogger in Golang

Yesterday I wrote about me working on a keylogger in Go. I published it on github.com as a module you can import in your application.

The reason I created this keylogger is because I couldn't find one that didn't hard-code the keyboard layout. All the other keyloggers I could find limit their characters to A-Za-z0-9 because of their hard-coded keymap, and they fail to recognize any special characters like $^£¨ø.

My keylogger design is flawed as well, but not on the key parsing design. Like most other keyloggers, I use the GetAsyncKeyState Windows user32.dll method to query the state of the keyboard every few milliseconds. This isn't the best option performance-wise because Windows exposes hooks for the keyboard, but it is easier to build.

Feel free to use my code !