
**Ways to get a second higher education** For students, this can be a parallel form of obtaining with the first and second higher education. You can find out about all the nuances of such an educational process at the university itself. It should only be noted that it is recommended to start such training after the completion of the third year (so as not to pass twice exams in the general education disciplines of both programs). ![](https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/fit-in/1200x0/filters%3Aformat%28jpg%29/https%3A%2F%2Fspecials-images.forbesimg.com%2Fimageserve%2F5f19b1deda2d537894873cf0%2F0x0.jpg) For those who already have a diploma of higher professional education, there are several forms of obtaining a second higher education: *Internship program* Features: allows you to individually develop a training program for yourself and, as a result, reduce the total time of the learning process. The number of exams should not exceed 20 per year. Duration of study: bachelor's degree: 3-6 years, master's degree: 2-3 years. Who can get it: a graduate of a higher educational institution. *Correspondence* Specifics: The bachelor's degree involves intensive independent work with university visits twice a year (session period). According to the master's program, these are introductory lectures, consultations and independent work, often students use the [biology homework help](https://essayassistant.org/biology-help/) to have extra time to take an interdisciplinary exam in the chosen field and defend a master's thesis .Duration of study: bachelor's degree: 3-5 years, master's degree: 2-3 years. Who can receive: a graduate of a higher education institution and students with incomplete higher education (3-5 courses), with parallel study on a contract basis. *Remote* Features: The bachelor's degree involves intensive independent work with a visit to the university twice a year (during the session) to facilitate the work of students often use [EssayAssistant.org](https://essayassistant.org/). According to the master's program, these are introductory lectures, consultations and independent work, passing an interdisciplinary exam in the chosen field and defending a master's thesis. Duration of study: bachelor's degree: 3-5 years, master's degree: 2-3 years. Who can get it: a university graduate. ![](https://makeinbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Improve-Education-Experiences.jpg) *The process of admission to the second higher education* When the choice of the university, speciality and form of study is made, the admission process itself will remain directly. To do this, you will need to pass a general interview or test to determine the general level of training of the future specialist. This is where your work, authorship, research, etc. can come in handy. The general procedure for admission to a university for the purpose of obtaining a second higher education: Submission of an application with a list of documents established by the [university](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University). Passing an interview or test. Conclusion of a contract and payment of the first semester. Enrolment in the university. As you can see, everything is very simple! The only thing I would like to note is the age. As such, there are no restrictions, but there is practice. According to her, many higher educational institutions independently limit the age of those entering the faculty of second higher education, accepting those under 40-50 years old. It's never too late to learn, it's true. But it's still better to check with those who are at the helm of the ship before throwing new knowledge into the ocean: will you be taken on board or left on the shore? And you should not be upset if the second falls out, because nobody has cancelled self-development, self-education and broadening of horizons, well, or try your luck at another university. After all, the main thing is desire and aspiration! If they are, then it will not be difficult to get knowledge anywhere!