An Apple a Day (+Contact Email Added)

Today I finally went to the local clinic and got some bloodwork done. It has been over a year since I last checked my labs, so I felt it was time to see where I stood. I'm especially curious since I'm now over a month into the carnivore diet and would like to see how all the changes I've experienced over the past month have affected my body chemistry, especially with things like cholesterol. After losing over 15 pounds, however, and generally avoiding all processed and sugary foods I expect things to look pretty good.

The overall experience this morning was actually quite pleasant. I definitely had to endure a lengthy wait until I was called, and this was made worse by the fact that I hadn't peed before I left the house in order to make sure they could take my sample. I don't know if anyone else has had that predicament where you were asked to pee on command like a trained seal. I have many gifts, but that is certainly not one of them. Anyways, while I waited I used the free time to read Wikipedia and learn about Vincent van Gogh and Starry Night, one of my favorite paintings. Did you know that van Gogh actually thought it was a failure and hated it? Oh how surprised he would be if he were alive today.

While I waited, I also noticed that I was the youngest person there. I don't know if it's a generational thing or just because I don't get out enough, but I don't see a lot of young people taking the effort to get their health checked out. I saw plenty of older people which is to be expected, but the people I know around my age really don't seem too concerned about their health right now. Some of my friends go years without check-ups for various reasons, sometimes financial and other times fear of needles, but I find it's important to find a way no matter what. Our health is one of the most important things when it comes to actually having a pleasant experience on this planet, so it's not something I take for granted. And after seeing lots of my family members deteriorate in old age, I've promised myself to avoid a similar fate.

I would be remiss to not mention the obvious, which is that not everyone can afford to get medical treatment in many parts of the world. Whether simply due to poverty, unemployment, or living in far away places; healthcare is not always within reach and it's a true tragedy of our modern world. While I've always been a proponent of ultra cheap healthcare that anyone can afford and which is facilitated through a competitive free market system, it doesn't seem like we're going to get that in my lifetime. Programs like 'Medicare for All' may not be the perfect solution, but in the post-pandemic world we live in today it's a good start.

UPDATE: So I finally stopped being lazy and made an email for the blog. If you'd like to send love letters or hate mail, the address is

Thanks for reading, ya'll have a great weekend. Be back tomorrow!