Diamond Hands

Today was a rough day for money. Everything from big tech to Bitcoin and gold was in a deep red sea of losses. If one were the betting type, one could argue that this is only just a taste of what might be the biggest market crash the world has ever seen. But I'm no economist so what do I know? If people in fancy suits who work in large, well guarded buildings say the economy is fine and not to worry about all the money printing, who am I to question their expertise? What I will do, though, is speculate and gamble some of my hard earned money on meme stocks in the hopes of getting rich.

For you see, amid all the panic selling that occurred today, one brave asset held the line and actually ended in the green to everyone's surprise: GameStop.

Sadly I wasn't early enough to get into GameStop before the rest of the world did. By the time I understood what was going on the price was already in the hundreds. So I waited and didn't buy in because it seemed like a losing position. But the more I browsed reddit and listened to strangers way smarter than me explain the unique potential of this one stock, the more I became intrigued. When it dropped to $50/share I jumped in and have been adding and hodling ever since. Every day now I wait, like a viper in the grass for the fabled “short squeeze” that will shoot the price up so high, the very foundation of our economy will buckle under its immense weight.

Will it actually happen and produce the greatest wealth transfer in history? No one can truly know for sure. What I do know is that a small amount of cash is totally worth it to be a part of a once in a lifetime grassroots movement. Getting rich along the way would just be a nice bonus. Also, I am not a financial adviser, I just really like the stock. If you do what I did you will definitely lose all of your money. You have been warned ;)