Going All In On $GME

Today was an important day for me, it was the day when I found my faith. Not in religion or politics, but in GameStop. For the past two months I have been watching this little stock grow big and strong, but I was never fully convinced that it could become a behemoth and make regular folks like me rich. In fact I thought I had completely missed the boat. I am now thoroughly a believer that we are on the cusp of the greatest wealth transfer in history.

I may not know when or how it will go down, but deep in my gut this now feels... inevitable. So today I pulled all the free cash I had available in my bank account and doubled down on my position. Risky? Sure. But this is money that I am willing to lose. And if my hunch is right, this will change my life forever. Today $GME ended at $261.83, I believe this is massively undervalued and we could potentially see $10,000, $100,000, or even $500,000 per share.

I know that sounds ridiculous and insane and maybe you’re right. But the more I read and research, the more this appears to be a confluence of events that have never occurred in history and will likely never occur again and I don’t want to miss it. Yes, I’ll admit it, I have some FOMO. But it’s not without good reason, Wall Street manipulation has reached such a level of absurdity that no one can save it now from the reckoning of retail investors.

So if you’re reading this and wondering if you should get into this crazy situation at this point, I would buy 1 share and hold it. If you’re wrong then at most you’ll lose a few hundred bucks that you can write off on your taxes, but if you’re right then you just made some life changing money. Of course I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, so do your own research before investing in any asset. But I’m just writing this for posterity so you can’t say you didn’t get tipped off before it happened.

Good luck, and Power to the Players.