nathan j hill (dot) com


This is a #calltoworship from a recent Celebration Sunday, reminding our church on its 60th anniversary that God was still creating and giving us reason to worship.

One: In the beginning… Many: God created the heavens and the earth One: In the beginning… Men: God created plants, animals, and life. One: In the beginning… Women: God created human beings, young and old. One: In the beginning… Youth & Children: God created families, churches, music, art, and laughter! One: I wonder, is God done creating? Many: No! God is still creating! God still gives life! So let us worship God together!

This is a #calltoworship appropriate for current events along the border as well Elijah's visit to the widow and her son in 1 Kings.

One: Holy God, You are our Mother All: Making a feast out of a little Weeping alongside us Refusing to abandon us One: Holy God, You are a Truth-teller All: Challenging us to keep marching Letting us know when it is time to let go Encouraging us to share the load One: We worship You and offer You praise! All: Praise and honor to You!

Note: I wrote this simple #calltoworship for Youth Sunday in the Easter season.

One: Do not let anyone look down upon you - Many: Because you are young, because you don't have it all together, because you are beginning again somewhere in life One: But set an example for all believers - Many: Speak the truth, love courageously, offer compassion, and be faithful. One: Christ is risen! Many: Christ is risen indeed!

Note: This is a short and simple #calltoworship for the new year.

One: This is a day of new beginnings. Some of us seek the quiet darkness of midnight. Some of us seek the warm light of dawn. Many: Wherever we seek, God’s love illuminates us. One: Some of us look to this new year in frustration. Some of us look to this season with hope. Many: Whatever we look for, God’s love illuminates us. One: Let us walk together Many: And find God lighting our way!